Wintersemester 2024/2025 (Würzburg)
- 14.10. (10–12): Timo Keller: Arithmetische Geometrie: theoretisch und rechnerisch
- 21.10.: Maleeha Khawaja (online): Galois groups of low degree points on curves
- 28.10.: Oana Padurariu: Bielliptic Shimura curves X0D(N) with nontrivial level
- 04.11.: Michael Stoll: Formalizing a proof of Mordell's Conjecture?
- 11.11.: Hang Fu: On the elliptic curves with many common torsion x-coordinates
- 18.11.: Himanshu Shukla: Evidence for a question of Dokchitser-Evans-Wiersema using 11-descent on elliptic curves
- 02.12.: Nuno Freitas: On the Darmon Program for the Generalized Fermat equation
- 09.12.: Pip Goodman: Residual representations of quadratic threefolds
- 16.12.: Ludwig Fürst: Explicit methods for hyperelliptic curves – The genus 4 case
- 07.01.: Yanshuai Qin: Boundedness of the p-primary torsion of geometric Brauer groups
- 13.01.: Benedikt Wolf: Komplexität des Idealzugehörigkeitsproblems für Ideale beschränkter Höhe (in Q[X_1,...,X_n])
- 03.02.: Naemi Fischer (11 am): Das Geschlecht von Modulräumen von (n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4)-Kurven
- 10.02.: Seoyoung Kim: Certain families of K3 surfaces and their modularity